G. Mahler - Excerpt from the Symphony No. 2 in C minor “Resurrection” - 5th movment
Philip Smith
Well I can say that Phil Smith is one of my idols when talking about sound and orchestral playing. The amount of hours I spent listening to live broadcasts (and downloading them without permission just to be able to listen again and again) of the New York Philharmonic is crazy. His Mahler 5th and 3rd with maestro Maazel are so amazing. Pure, huge sound with dark, deep color no matter if it is fortissimo or pianissimo, high or low register – it always sounds amazing. When I sit in the practice room and need some inspiration or I’m trying to improve my sound quality, usually the first trumpet player to come my mind is Philip Smith.
His CD of orchestral excerpts is a classic. A great lesson with amazing playing and important comments. Another great CD is a box of 3 CDs with some of his greatest moments in the New York Phil. The first CD is full with great orchestral moments while the other two are solo performances of Phil Smith with the New York Philharmonic. Big variety of music for trumpet and the live performances are amazing. Very highly recommended.